Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Screening: Grapes of Wrath

  • The scene where Tom returns to his home is very dark, difficult to see.
  • When Tommy sees his family, they all think that he broke out of jail and only the children hug him, the rest of the people, including his mother, shake his hand.
  • There is no music in the film, no soundtrack or score, just music during the dance scene.
  • Good commentary on sexes in the last scene in the movie.
  • Film has social commentary of misuse of police authority.
  • This movie also explores the proletariat / bourgeoisie relationship.
  • Much of Grapes of Wrath is dependent on Tommy's stoic character and Ma's strength, by that the film carries on.
  • I honestly don't think Ma's character was well developed, seemed a bit forced at times.
  • This movie is said to be among the great American classics, but I was not exceedingly impressed, it was slow and the characters weren't well enough developed.

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